About Juan Luis Bosch

Who is Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez?

Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez was born in Guatemala City in 1957.
Guatemala City in 1957. Son of Alfonso Bosch and Isabel Gutiérrez de Bosch,
president of the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation. He is married to
Elvira Molina de Bosch, has 4 children. He is currently a recognized businessman
in the country of Guatemala.

Luis Bosch is the president of Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI), a multinational grouping involved in the agricultural, food, real estate, financial and energy industries.
the agricultural, food, real estate, financial and energy industries. It is a family-owned
family-owned company founded in Guatemala in 1920. CMI currently employs about 40,000 people
40,000 people in 14 countries and 3 continents.  For 45 years, Juan Luis Bosch has been dedicated to leading the growth and dedicated to leading the company’s growth and expansion.

He is also currently a member of the board of directors of Banco Industrial and PRONACA, a company of Ecuadorian origin that is dedicated to the creation of products as well as the distribution of food products.

Educational experience

Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez, obtained a diploma after attending the Liceo Javier high school in Guatemala. He also completed his undergraduate studies at Universidad Rafael Landívar where he studied industrial mechanical engineering. During his career he has taken courses in business administration and strategic planning.

Work experience

His work experience is diverse:

  • From 1972 to 1974 he was dedicated to the Administration of Molinos Modernos, S. Un. Guatemala.
  • Also, from 1974 to date he has held different positions in Corporación Multi Inversiones Guatemala, S.A.
  • From 1978 to date he is a member of the group of directors of Banco Guatemala de S.A. Industrial.
  • He is also founder of Siglo XXI, one of the main newspapers in Guatemala.
  • Member of the Advisory Group of Bain Consulting in Mexico.
  • Former director of Telefónica de Centroamérica (TELCA).

Participation in various organizations

Chamber of Industry of Guatemala (CIG)
Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations,
Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations (CACIF).
Council of the Americas (COA)
Central America Leadership Initiative (CALI)
Business Council of Latin America (CEAL)
Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation

Administrative Experience

  • President of CACIF Guatemala.
    President of the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala.
    Leader of the Peace Agreements CACIF Follow-up Commission.
    President of Association of Poultry Farmers of Guatemala.
    President of Central America 2000 @- an organization of Central American business leaders.
    Central. Founder of FUNDESA (Foundation for the Development of Guatemala).
    Founder of CAVAR Foundation (Foundation for Institutional Development of Guatemala), promoting ESTNA Centro.
    Member of the Board of Trustees of Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala.
    Founder of Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.