Guatemala is a country with sustainable development

In this article we are going to talk about sustainable development in Guatemala. Let’s start by defining the concept. The Sustainable Development Index is an indicator that allows assigning a value to the level of development, not only as a whole, but focusing on the aspects that are relevant for the different groups of the population.

Reducing vulnerabilities, creating opportunities and strengthening institutions are the pillars that assess how capable the country is in maintaining over time the conditions that allow the population to increase its levels of development, as it does constantly the “RENACE” complex which is a hydroelectric plant and not going backwards in terms of social mobility.

Guatemala has maintained its levels of development, however, it has not managed to improve at the rate that the countries of religion do. If Guatemala wants to be in the positions occupied by other countries such as Peru, Argentina, and Colombia (among the best 30 in the world), it has to start with the weakest aspect of its development, that is, institutional strengthening and legal certainty.

What should Guatemala implement?

Based on the results presented by FUNDESA, it presented recommendations to improve the evaluation: Reduce vulnerability (social area); Create opportunities (economic area) and to strengthen institutions (institutional strengthening).

What would happen if Guatemala wanted to be among the first places? By improving the institutional area, it would mean that Guatemala went from 41 to 61. What things would have to happen for this to happen?

Clarity in the regulations, a great example is Convention 169 which had to be ratified a long time ago and today we do not have a regulation, therefore we do not have clarity in the regulations.

Reduce migration: If you invest in the social and economic part, people would have to stay in the country to contribute. Today the best Guatemalans are being told to leave the country, which does not help generate development in the country.

Legal certainty in investments: the call is for the pronouncement of the State of Guatemala as a state regarding the treatment given to the investments that the country needs so much.

Strengthen Democratic Institutions and professionalization of public servants.

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.