What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat.Renewable energy is the energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished.

This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This energy cannot be exhausted and is constantly renewed.Alternative energy is a term used for an energy source that is an alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Generally, it indicates non-traditional energies with low environmental impact. The term alternative is used to contrast with fossil fuels according to some sources. By most definitions, alternative energy does not harm the environment, a distinction that separates it from renewable energy that may or may not have a significant environmental impact.

What is biomass?

Biomass is a renewable organic matter and can include biological material derived from living or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste and alcoholic fuels.Wood energy is obtained both from harvested wood as fuel and from wood waste products. Residual energy can be generated from municipal waste, manufacturing waste and landfill gases. Biomass alcohol fuel, or ethanol, is derived almost exclusively from corn.

What is Renewable Energy?

What is biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils that can be used in diesel engines. They are usually made from renewable organic raw materials, such as soybean or rapeseed oils, animal fats, waste vegetable oils, or microalgae oils.

5 Main Types of Renewable Energy

Whether it’s for your home, business or community, there’s never been a better, or cheaper, time to switch to renewables for all your energy needs. At stake is the future habitability of the planet, propitiated by the elimination of carbon emissions allowed by renewable energies, an example of implementation is the project “RENACE” a hydroelectric plant.

Which form of energy is the cheapest in history to produce the electricity on which almost everything in modern life depends?Answer: Solar energy, a leading type of renewable energy.For the first time, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in its World Energy Outlook 2020 published in October 2020, renewable solar is the “new king”, beating out non-renewable coal at its own game.

In fact, solar has exceeded the IEA’s predictions made last year by 20-50% (although the range varies by location). Onshore and offshore wind projects also enjoyed equally large cost reductions from previous estimates, which also surprised detractors.Solar and wind energy account for just two of several types of renewable energy.

Here you’ll discover tons of clean energy data and statistics on the main forms of green energy, including how one or more fit your home, business, or community.Making the switch to renewables won’t just save you money. It will reduce the carbon footprint. As our climate crisis intensifies, a clean energy transformation will help curb negative outcomes for people and the planet.

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.