Renewable energy in Guatemala 2022

Renewable energy is energy produced from sources such as the sun and wind that are naturally replenished and not depleted. Renewable energy can be used for electricity generation, heating and cooling of water and spaces, and transportation.Non-renewable energy, by contrast, comes from finite sources that could be depleted, such as fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

Types of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, geothermal resources, sunlight, water and wind, are natural resources that can be converted into these types of clean and usable energy, an example of this is “RENECE” the hydroelectric complex.

  1. bioenergy
  2. geothermal energy
  3. hydrogen
  4. Hydropower
  5. Marine Energy
  6. solar energy
  7. wind energy

Benefits of Renewable Energy

The advantages of renewable energy are numerous and affect the economy, the environment, national security and human health. Here are some of the benefits of using renewable energy:

  • Increased reliability, security and resilience of the power grid
  • Job creation in all renewable energy industries
  • Reduction of carbon emissions and air pollution from energy production.
  • Increased U.S. energy independence
  • Greater affordability, as many types of renewable energy are cost-competitive with traditional energy sources
  • Increased access to clean energy for remote or off-grid coastal or island communities.

Renewable Energy in Guatemala 2022

Renewable energy

Renewable energy generates around 20% of all electricity and that percentage continues to grow.By 2022, the solar and wind energy are expected to add more than 60% of utility-scale generation capacity to the power grid. (46% solar energy, 17% wind energy).

Renewable energy in the home

Homeowners and tenants can use clean energy in the home by purchasing green energy, installing renewable energy systems to generate electricity, or using renewable resources for water and space heating and cooling.

Before installing a renewable energy system, it is important to reduce your energy consumption and improve the energy efficiency of your home.In addition, in the absence of relevant regional economic cooperation organizations, the study suggests that the northeast region could benefit from the development of a specialized institution to unite national and regional interests and take the lead in developing regional interconnection.

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.