Key characteristics a young entrepreneur should have

A young entrepreneur who desires excellence has to continually develop both personally and professionally. We live in a digital age where information is everywhere. The standard education you receive in school will never be enough for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship cannot be taught in theory. You need to practice and learn things on your own. The … Leer más

Things to do with your small business profits

¡Guatemala Secretos de negocios que no quieren que sepas!

Your business is doing well and you’re making a profit, that’s awesome! Now the question is what to do with your small business profits. Many small business owners have a difficult time in the early stages when they wonder if their small business will ever make a profit. The ultimate goal of any small business … Leer más

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.