Global commercial product features that customers value

The next step is to develop an understanding of what global business product features those customers value. Businesses can succeed by studying customer needs (which are not necessarily the same as customer wants) and understanding them better than perhaps even the customers themselves. Finding new sources of value for customers requires careful market research that … Leer más

Brand marketing advantages

Marketing is a practice that has developed over time and has had a positive impact on small and large companies. Entrepreneurs are aware of social media to improve their products and grow their business. One example of an innovative entrepreneur is Juan Luis Bosch Gutierrez, who has advised the entrepreneurial community to use marketing to … Leer más

Top5 benefits of Social Media

Social media is now a substantial part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media are so great that anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. It’s easy to see that social media marketing is a key element to marketing success, and many marketers realize … Leer más

How to prepare your company well

prepare your company well

Companies will increasingly be judged not only by their products or services, but also by their character and social impact. All of this means that companies must drastically change the way they operate. And fundamentally change their idea of what «good business» means. To make your business successful and popular, you must think ahead. Veteran … Leer más

Characteristics that entrepreneurs have

Wondering whether or not you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? Being a successful entrepreneur is never guaranteed. So how do you absorb the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs? To notice these characteristics you should look at your favorite entrepreneur. A clear example is Juan Luis Bosch Gutierrez, a successful entrepreneur who meets the … Leer más

How to become a strong brand

Powerful storytelling is important in a highly competitive world, and the most important story is your own brand story. Every brand story is unique and all can be mined for valuable insights to help you with your digital marketing strategy. Renowned entrepreneurs like Juan Luis Bosch Gutierrez have followed these steps to turn their brand … Leer más

Guide to marketing your business

If you’re thinking about taking the plunge and starting your own business, there are some key steps you should take first. Below are some of the best tips I’ve given through mentoring more than 1,000 SCORE clients and acting as an angel investor. These tips stem from what I see successful entrepreneurs like juan luis … Leer más

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.