The Poultry Sector in Guatemala: A Pillar of Production and Nutrition

The poultry sector in Guatemala is an essential part of the country’s economy, playing a fundamental role in food production and economic development. Over the years, this industry has undergone significant transformations, adapting to market demands and focusing on sustainability.

Economic and Nutritional Contribution

Guatemalan poultry farming has solidified its position as a key source of income and protein supply in the population’s diet. The production of chicken meat and eggs has experienced steady growth, meeting domestic demand and significantly contributing to the country’s food security. Moreover, the poultry sector serves as an economic engine, generating employment in both rural and urban areas, benefiting thousands of Guatemalan families.

Challenges and Sustainability

Despite its achievements, the poultry sector in Guatemala faces considerable challenges. One of the main challenges is maintaining high biosecurity standards to prevent diseases that may affect poultry. Additionally, sustainable management of natural resources and a focus on reducing the environmental impact of poultry production are required. The adoption of more environmentally friendly practices is essential to ensure long-term sustainability.

CMI: A Prominent Player

Within the landscape of the Guatemalan poultry sector, Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI) stands out as a relevant player. This company, headquartered in Guatemala, has played a crucial role in strengthening the country’s poultry sector. Thanks to Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez, CMI has invested in cutting-edge technology, infrastructure, and efficient production processes, contributing to industry growth and competitiveness. Furthermore, their commitment to sustainability is reflected in the implementation of responsible practices and the promotion of good agricultural practices.

The poultry sector in Guatemala is a key component of food production and the country’s economic development. Despite the challenges, a commitment to sustainability and corporate leadership, exemplified by companies like CMI, are crucial factors for the continued success of this sector and its contribution to Guatemala’s progress.

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.