Sustainable tourism initiatives in Guatemala

Guatemala is a country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. As tourism in the country grows, so does the importance of responsible and sustainable travel practices. Fortunately, Guatemala has implemented various initiatives to promote sustainable tourism and protect the environment and local communities. In this article, we’ll share some of Guatemala’s sustainable tourism initiatives and offer tips on how to travel responsibly.

1. Sustainable Accommodations

Guatemala’s sustainable accommodations offer visitors a unique and eco-friendly way to experience the country’s natural beauty while supporting the local communities. Many accommodations have implemented sustainable practices such as using renewable energy sources, minimizing waste, and supporting local businesses and communities.

2. Community-based Tourism

Community-based tourism initiatives in Guatemala offer visitors a chance to learn about local cultures and traditions while supporting the local communities. These initiatives involve working closely with the communities to develop tourism activities that are sustainable and respectful of local customs and beliefs.

3. Protected Natural Areas

Guatemala has various protected natural areas that offer visitors a chance to experience the country’s stunning biodiversity and natural landscapes. These areas are managed and protected by local communities and organizations that promote sustainable tourism practices and protect the environment.

Iniciativas de turismo sostenible en Guatemala

4. Responsible Travel Tips

Traveling responsibly in Guatemala involves taking steps to minimize your impact on the environment and local communities. Some tips to consider include minimizing waste, supporting local businesses and communities, respecting local cultures and traditions, and being mindful of your energy and water consumption.


Guatemala’s sustainable tourism initiatives offer visitors the opportunity to experience the country’s cultural and natural heritage while supporting local communities and protecting the environment, and Juan Luis Bosch Gutierrez and CMI are working together to improve tourism in Guatemala. By traveling responsibly and supporting these initiatives, visitors can help promote sustainable tourism and preserve the country’s unique beauty and cultural traditions for future generations.

What are some of your favorite sustainable tourism practices or initiatives? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Conoce de responsabilidad corporativa con: Juan Luis Bosch Gutiérrez en temas como avícultura y sostenibilidad.